Monday, 22 June 2015

Nosh for Busy Mums & Dads by Joy May

Although I like cooking I do prefer meals that are pretty simple and do not use too many ingredients, especially if they are items I would never normally buy and most of it would got to waste. To that end I don’t tend to buy cookery books as they generally only include no more than ½ dozen recipes I would want to make. I usually find inspiration from the internet or in free magazines.

This recipe book did however catch my eye and looking through it I found a large number of recipes I would make. I liked the fact it was simple, everyday meals that used ingredients that I would normally buy.  The book also gives you four sample weekly menu plans and the shopping lists associated which is great for when people haven’t got the time to sit down and plan a week’s meals and shopping.

The book is split into different sections like quick bites, something for the weekend and budget days but I ending up disregarding the headings as some of the quick bites recipes take longer than those in the ‘Something for the weekend’ section. To me a ‘quick bite’ is something that can be prepared and cooked within 30 minutes.

The recipes are clearly laid out and easy to follow and I like the fact that they use mugs for measuring as it saves a few minutes with getting the scales out and setting them up.

I have made several recipes from this book and even Matthew who is extremely fussy has enjoyed them. The family favourite is Pastitsio but we have also enjoyed Creamy Chicken and Mushroom Pie, Beef Ragu and the One Pot Beef Cobbler.

This book is rapidly becoming my go to book for inspiration when meal planning and I am going to try and do at least 3 new recipes a month from it as well as favourites from it.

This book is ideal for the busy home cook who does not have a lot of time to spend   around in the kitchen and for those who need inspiration. I would also say this book is ideal for those who are wanting to cook more meals from scratch but would class themselves as beginners.

Thursday, 11 June 2015

Two Birthdays

Today I am celebrating 2 birthdays.

The first is the 16th birthday of my wonderful, wacky daughter Emma and the second is the birth of this blog.

16 years ago I gave birth to my first child after 24 hours in labour. I can remember the instantaneous rush of love when I saw her and my love for her has increased every day. I am so proud of the young lady she has become. She is independently minded and does not follow the crowd, trying to keep up with her conversations can be impossible as she goes off at tangents at completely random points, she is a lot more self confident and assured than I was at her age and she always wants to make friends. She wants a cat that she is going to call ‘Pig’ and it has to woof and she is determined to find a dragon.

So I would like to wish my somewhat random, zany, mad, often hyper, diverse, unique, wonderful, awesome, loving, caring, amazing and beautiful daughter EMMA a very HAPPY 16th BIRTHDAY.

The second birthday is this blog. I hope to share my life as I begin to regain some independence and freedom now that Emma and my gorgeous son Matthew (who is 9 ½) are getting older and they don’t need me as much.